Piece of cake. Often the simple fix is just to move a single php code block.
<?php echo $mContext['bodyElements']; ?>
down into the wrapper where the body elements belong...
<div id="mktContent" class="mktEditable">
<?php echo $mContext['bodyElements']; ?>
Now for a word of caution...
When we are editing the landing page in the landing page editor, the editor thinks that absolute 0,0 is in the upper left corner of the window. Actually it's not, now it is in the mktContent DIV now. So when you drop an element into the landing page it sets the top and left propertied based on the window, not our DIV. A simple refresh will now show us where the element will render when the landing page template code is applied. Just try not to forget this step so you can "fix" the top and left values to get the HTML or rich text block in the right place.
Brian J. has been involved in web design since 1997. He is the founder of True Vision Computer Services, Inc. His recent focus has been on web applications and information systems development.
1 comment:
Does it make sense to do something like this
.lpeCElement {
position: relative !important;
top: 0 !important;
left: 0 !important;
padding: x x x x!important;
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